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Her presenterer vi artikler av norske forfattere innen feltet organisasjonspsykologi. Dette er publikasjoner som allerede er fagfelle eller redaksjonelt vurdert. Listen er basert på innspill vi har fått og er på ingen måte utfyllende.

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  • Saksvik, P.Ø., Faergestad, M., Fossum, S., Indergård, Ø., Olaniyan, O.S., & Karanika-Murray, M.  (2018) An effect evaluation of the psychosocial work environment of a university unit after a successfully implemented employeeship program, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 11 ( 1),.31-44, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWHM - 08 - 2017 - 0065 . Se eventuelt Google Scholar  
  • Saksvik, P.Ø, Olanyian, S. O., Lysklett, K., Lien, M. & Bjerke L. (2015). A process evaluation of a salutogenic intervention. Scandinavian Psychologist. 2, e8. http://dx.doi.org/10.15714/scandpsychol.2.e8
  • Innstrand, S. T., Christensen, M., Undebakke, K. G., & Svarva, K. (2015). The presentation and preliminary validation of KIWEST using a large sample of Norwegian university staffScandinavian Journal of Public Health43(8), 855-866. Fulltekst Researchgate
  • Anthun, K. S., & Innstrand, S. T. (2016). The predictive value of job demands and resources on the meaning of work and organisational commitment across different age groups in the higher education sector. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management38(1), 53-67. Researchgate
  • Innstrand, S. T., & Christensen, M. (2018). Healthy Universities. The development and implementation of a holistic health promotion intervention programme especially adapted for staff working in the higher educational sector: the ARK study. Global health promotion, 1757975918786877. Fulltekst NTNU
  • Grødal, K., Innstrand, S. T., Haugan, G., & André, B. (2019). Affective organizational commitment among nursing home employees: A longitudinal study on the influence of a health‐promoting work environment. Nursing open6(4), 1414-1423. Fulltekst
  • Grødal, K., Innstrand, S. T., Bauer, G. F., Haugan, G., Rannestad, T., & André, B. (2018). Validation of the Norwegian version of the work-related sense of coherence scaleScandinavian journal of public health46(7), 711-717. Fulltekst

  • Straumsheim, P. A., Moen, K., & Berglund, L. J. (2017). Takle utfordringer eller tukle med relasjoner?: Psykologers forutsetninger for god ledelse.  Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening .
  • Lacerenza, C. N., Reyes, D. L., Marlow, S. L., Joseph, D. L., & Salas, E. (2017). Leadership training design, delivery, and implementation: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology102(12), 1686. Tilgjengelig via Google Scholar
  • Fosse, T. H., Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S. V., & Martinussen, M. (2019). Active and passive forms of destructive leadership in a military context: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology28(5), 708-722.  Fulltekst tilgjengelig

  • Dagsland, Å. H. B., Mykletun, R. J., & Einarsen, S. (2017). Antecedents of Norwegian Adolescents’ Choice of Educational Pathway in Hospitality and Tourism. Artikkel via UiB

  • Langseth-Eide, B. (2019). It's Been a Hard Day's Night and I've Been Working Like a Dog: Workaholism and Work Engagement in the JD-R Model. Frontiers in psychology10, 1444. Fulltekst
  • Innstrand, S. T. (2016). Occupational differences in work engagement: A longitudinal study among eight occupational groups in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology57(4), 338-349. Researchgate
  • Grødal, K., Innstrand, S. T., Haugan, G., & André, B. (2019). Work-Related Sense of Coherence and Longitudinal Relationships with Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction. Fulltekst
  • Christensen, M., Dyrstad, J. M., & Innstrand, S. T. (2020). Academic work engagement, resources and productivity: empirical evidence with policy implications. Studies in Higher Education45(1), 86-99. DOI: http://doi.org/10.16993/sjwop.20
  • Listau, K., Christensen, M., & Innstrand, S. T. (2017). Work engagement-A double edged Sword: A Study of the Relationship between Work Engagement and the Work-Home Interaction Using the ARK Research Platform. Fulltekst

  • Bugge, Renate Grønnvold (2014) Using an Organisational Perspective to Intervene When Disaster Strikes: Learning From Experience Following the Terror Attacks in Norway on 22 July, 2011. Keynote paper given at OPUS Conference 21—22 November 2014. Fulltekst
  • For artikler fra Academy of Management Proceedings under. Ta kontakt med Synnøve Nesse for fulltekst: [email protected]  
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2015) Hva kan vi lære fra kriseledelse om endringsledelse? Planlagt improvisasjon som virkemiddel. Magma.
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2016) The Emergence & Dynamics of Collective Leadership During an Organizational Crisis . Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2016) Et helhetlig perspektiv på rekruttering, seleksjon og utvikling av kriseledelseskompetanse. Magma.
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2016) To Gain Control-Let Go: Heterarchical Leadership During an Organizational Crisis. Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2016) Leadership “on the Fly” in Strategic Crisis Management Teams: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2017) A Framework for Developing Organizational Crisis Leadership: An Integration of Multiple Perspectives. Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Nesse, Synnøve (2020) Coping, Not Choking under Pressure: Leadership Reactions and Support during a Terrorist Attack. Academy of Management Proceedings

  • Kuvaas, Bård & Buch, Robert (2017) Leader-Member Exchange Relationships and Follower Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Perceiving Goals as Invariable Human Resource Management, 57(1), s. 235- 248. Doi:  10.1002/hrm.21826  -  Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

  • Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Gagne, M., Dysvik, A., & Forest, J. (2016). Do you get what you pay for? Sales incentives and implications for motivation and changes in turnover intention and work effort. Motivation and Emotion40(5), 667-680. Fulltekst BI’s vitenarki

  • Christensen, M., Innstrand, S. T., Saksvik, P. Ø., & Nielsen, K. (2019). The line manager’s role in implementing successful organizational interventions. The Spanish journal of psychology22https://doi.org/10.1017/sjp.2019.4 .
  • Christensen, M. (2014). Communication as a strategic tool in change processes. International journal of business communication51(4), 359-385.  Fulltekst
  • Bang, H., & Midelfart, T. N. (2017). What characterizes effective management teams? A research-based approach. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research69(4), 334. Fulltekst

  • Reknes, I., Notelaers, G., Magerøy, N., Pallesen, S., Bjorvatn, B., Moen, B. E., & Einarsen, S. (2017). Aggression from patients or next of kin and exposure to bullying behaviors: a conglomerate experience? Nursing research and practice2017
  • Reknes, I., Visockaite, G., Liefooghe, A., Lovakov, A., & Einarsen, S. V. (2019). Locus of control moderates the relationship between exposure to bullying behaviors and psychological strain. Frontiers in psychology10. Fulltekst tilgjengelig
  • Nielsen, M. B., Gjerstad, J., Jacobsen, D. P., & Einarsen, S. V. (2017). Does ability to defend moderate the association between exposure to bullying and symptoms of anxiety? Frontiers in psychology8, 1953. Fulltekst tilgjengelig
  • Einarsen, K., Mykletun, R. J., Einarsen, S. V., Skogstad, A., & Salin, D. (2017). Ethical infrastructure and successful handling of workplace bullying. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. Fulltekst tilgjengelig
  • Reknes, I., EINARSEN, S., PALLESEN, S., Bjorvatn, B., Moen, B. E., & Magerøy, N. (2016). Exposure to bullying behaviors at work and subsequent symptoms of anxiety: The moderating role of individual coping style. Industrial health, 2015-0196.
  • Buhaug et al (2021) A clinical study of musculoskeletal dysfunction in targets of workplace bullying.
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  • Hamre et al. (2021) Preventing and neutralizing the escalation of workplace bullying....
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  • Einarsen K. et al (2020) Outcomes of a Proximal Workplace Intervention Against Workplace Byllying and Harassment  
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  • Rajalingam et al (2021) Workplace bullying increases the risk of anxiety through a stress-induced....
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  • Reknes et al (2020) Injustice perceptions, workplace bullying and intention to leave.
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  • Ågotnes K., Einarsen S., Hetland J., Skogstad A. (2019) The moderating effect of laissez-fair leadership...
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